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About Rohit Dawesar

Author | Entrepreneur | Speaker

Rohit Dawesar is an author from Indore whose debut novel The Stupid Somebody became a national bestseller even before he signed a contract for his second book NO MATTER WHAT.. I will always love you! which is set to release in 2020.

Rohit is immensely popular for his Nanotales, short stories and poems that he posts on his social media and on his website Unlike many authors who write since their childhood, Rohit started writing when he understood that the story he had in his mind is a unique one and it needs to be told.

Now a full-time writer who creates magic with words, he also owned a coaching institute for engineering students, was a director at Entrepreneurs Consulting Pvt. Ltd., and also is the co-founder, director of a fast-food restaurant chain named The Urban Gumti. He is a book lover and a movie/ tv series fanatic who would hardly deny a cup of coffee any time.

Love Story of ABEER & ROSHI Episode #2

Author’s Note: Hi! Glad you loved the first chapter of this brand new love story. Before you dive into the Abeer-Roshi world, I have a question to ask: I don't know why, but I am quite inclined towards converting this story to a full-fledged novel. Let me know your...

ABEER & ROSHI Episode #1 – Jaise they met!

Episode #1 Jaise They Met Why are you two so adamant to take me to this party?" Roshi asked, looking towards Juhi and Ruksar.    "Asking me?" Ruksar, the caretaker of Roshi's house who was also a motherly figure to her, made a goofy face. "My agenda is clear. I am...